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Privacy Policy


Protecting privacy and confidentiality of personal information is our utmost concern. 

Privacy Practices are governed by the Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act in Canada.

At Integrity Medical Examinations, we our committed to ensuring your privacy through best practice standards.  We promise to use your personal information, only as required to complete our medical service, in a responsible and professional manner and abide by the 10 Fair Information Principles of Privacy.


  1. Accountability

  2. Identifying Purposes

  3. Consent

  4. Limiting Collection

  5. Limiting UseDisclosure and Retention

  6. Accuracy

  7. Safeguards

  8. Openness

  9. Individual Access 

  10. Challenging Compliance 

If you have any questions about our how seriously we take Privacy, please feel to reach out management today.

What is Personal Information?

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada defines Personal Information under PIPEDA as "personal information includes any factual or subjective information, recorded or not, about an identifiable individual. This includes information in any form, such as:

  • age, name, ID numbers, income, ethnic origin, or blood type;

  • opinions, evaluations, comments, social status, or disciplinary actions; and

  • employee files, credit records, loan records, medical records, existence of a dispute between a consumer and a merchant, intentions (for example, to acquire goods or services, or change jobs)."

At Integrity Medical Examinations, this information will only be uses to the extent need to complete your Independent Medical Assessment. 

For additional information on Privacy, please contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
30, Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 1H3

Toll-free: 1-800-282-1376
Phone: (819) 994-5444


Integrity Medical Examinations takes your personal privacy seriously.  That is why we require photo identification to be provided by all clients prior to commencing any Independent Medical Assessment.  If you would like an advance company of our Informed Consent Form prior to your scheduled Independent Medial Assessment, please email us today!

© 2020 Integrity Medical Examinations, Inc.

28 Finch Avenue West ,Suite 212,

Toronto, Ontario M2N2G7

Tel: 905.761.5985

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